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Ungraded Produce


Help make this local “Ugly Produce” company a name in Raleigh and beyond.

Ungraded Produce was formed in 2016 by Courtney Bell and her partner as an online produce subscriber service that delivers “ugly” fruits and vegetables from local farms that would ordinarily go to waste…thus making an Edible Impact. Available for free delivery to the Triangle, Durham-Raleigh-Chapel Hill-area , Ungraded will eventually expand into other markets.


Help make this local “Ugly Produce” company a name in Raleigh and beyond through media interviews, finding local ambassadors and other opportunities for both Courtney and the company.


We were able to secure interviews in national and local Raleigh-Durham area publications, including broadcast, print weekly and monthly magazines, online and more. We secured local ambassadors for the company that had high social media numbers and were a target demographic for the brand. Prana also set up Ungraded Produce with in-person demonstration and selling opportunities that resulted in new clients.



Over the few months of working together, Ungraded Produce overwhelmingly grew their amount of clients and sales numbers. In addition to gaining more local visibility, the company caught the eye of major national competitor Hungry Harvest. Rather than swooping into the area they merged with Ungraded Produce and they now work together to decrease food waste and improve food accessibility.

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