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Earth Focus


Promote the longest running environmental news series with a fresh angle. The 2020 series, focused on “the politics of the environment,” was unique as it also included a 90 minute feature-length episode.

“Earth Focus,” launched in 2007, is the longest-running investigative environmental news program on U.S. television. The series provides audiences with urgent global environmental coverage on key issues such as endangered species, climate change, environmental health and sustainable practices.


Help make “Earth Focus” a household name not only in Los Angeles where it airs (KCET), but also on national and international levels, as it’s also distributed on LinkTV.


After creating a strategy for the series, we also developed a separate PR strategy for the 90 minute documentary episode, The New West and the Politics of the Environment. Utilizing talent from both the episodes and the film, we were able to secure several interviews, including on an international level with CNNi. As the series premiered during Covid-19, we also helped KCET host a virtual premiere screening and Q&A for the feature.


The series received PR in markets and on a global scale which it never had in its 13 year history. We are able to partner with two global environmental pioneers of their generations, Alexandria Villasenor and Senator Harry Reid, for interviews on behalf of both the series and the feature.

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